A smile so perfect that melts the hearts of those who see it,
Although no one is perfect he is the closest human I have seen to it,
Fore he is Infallible.
His presence gives me hope,
He makes me want so much more for myself ,
More than what I am, I want to be like him,
He has done so much by doing nothing at all
Fore is infallible.
It is easy to think so much of someone who has only entered this earth for 1 and a half years,
But no one hods the love that I hold for this child who will grow into a man,
And not the wanna be men who say they are men but have no clue what that means to be one,
But a real man.
HE will be proud and strong and understand people make mistakes. He will not judge.
Fore he is infallible.
He is more than just my brother or a family member he is a symbol that we still have a chance to do something great, thet the world is still waiting for some one to take charge, and who knows he may be the one to do it
For my baby boy is infallible
This poem is beautiful, it brought tears to my eyes. I am so grateful that you are David big sister....