His eyes shine through the dark yet he can not be seen,
His voice carries for miles yet he is never heard,
As big as his heart is he only loves half as much,
Is mind is filled with the pressure of it all,
But he does not break.
Instead he moves on to a new spot and screams louder and looks harder,
But he is still not heard or seen as people walk by him unware he is there,
One girl stops at the moving of his lips and although she can't hear him at first, his eyes tell a story,
A story she knows to well.
She tells him to follow her to a mountain top and he does,
The dusty rode they take is slicked with ice and loose rocks,
At one point he slips only holding on by a hand on a rock,
The girl leans over and says "Do you trust me?"
He hesisates fore he only had to depend on himself,
"Do you trust me?" she reapeats
"Yes" he finally says now losing his grip on the rock,
"The you have to let go".
Once agian he hesistates over thinking the impact of the fall,
"Trust me... and let go" Now her eyes shined as bright as his and he could read her story,
Her eyes let him know it was ok to let go,
And her smile told him he wouldn't be hurt.
He let go but he did not fall instead he flew,
Fore she had wings and now so did he,
He was heard by everyone that day as he told the story of the angel that saved him,
And she told the angels of the man who saved her.
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