Monday, November 11, 2013

I see it

Who is standing up? does anyone care about the youth that is to follow us?
How do you think these kids feel as we watch schools close but see new stores open in their place
We have to mean something to ourselves before we can mean anything to each other.
The world is slamming the door on our youth and not enough of us care that it's happening.

Are we aware that classes can have up to 40 students to the point of no where to sit?
A place that has not enough books to suit us?
But we are told we HAVE to go to school it's good for us, for our future?
SO why then are there less teachers and more prisions?
DO you see what they think of us?

They can't possibly think we can learn in a place like this
I have watched my brother be chewed up and spit out by bullies, bad teachers, low expectations

I am afraid for our futures because I am starting to see that it is getting harder and harder to have one.
Please if you are reading this take your education and run with it, never stop because learning should never stop. It will be hard but we have to do it it's the only way to save us.

Thursday, September 19, 2013


People rave about how smart they are and confuses it with intelligence, but that is not what intelligence is. If you remember nothing else from this page, remember this.

Intelligence is not how much you know or how much you think you know, but instead how much more you are willing to learn.
-Angie B.

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

A.R.T. Program

LADIES and GENTS I think it's time to start thinking about our community I and starting a program for kids 5-12 in the Frankford area for art, music, and tutoring. This is a lot of work for me so I need you guys to cheer me on. If you have any ideas at all about things I can do a s far as activies or things I will need please let me know. I have never done anything like this before so I'ma need all the help I CAN GET.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

I Am Free

As dark pillows the sky
I am free
Not afraid to stray from the light
Or explore the night
I plee
Only with god to forever
Remeber this moment
Fore I no I own it
I am me
The woman i become can only  give love and affection
with no reason for depression
Striving for perfection
I fall
Not because I am not worthy,
 but because perfection is not sturdy
and can not be reached as mortals
so I stand tall
knowing Thata you have my back
as everyone attacks
I take kind to the fatc
That you love me
I may not see it today
but oneday  I will lead the way
and my kids will thank me
Angel will be the name they rue
when i finally finish school
enough about them, enough about me,
I am FINALLY free

Sunday, September 2, 2012

 <a href=""
          title="Wordle: life"><img
          alt="Wordle: life"
          style="padding:4px;border:1px solid #ddd"></a>


MY eyes are closed and my mind is open but something is different.
My thoughts are not my own, the goals set are not mine, the accomplishments made were not for me
It seems I have lived my whole life for others not paying attention to what I want to do, or say
How I want to dress or act, Being controlled by all not just my parents, btu everyone.
It is hard for me to  feel disapointment from other people so I try to avoid the conflict by making them happy
I say quiet saying nothing as I always do
But when is enough?
I have beent told " why don't you dress like a girl?" because my style does not include skirts and dresses, high heels, and tight shirts.
I have been told "grow up" because I wanted to take my 7 and 9 year old cousins trick or treating
I have been belittled in everyway possible because my life did not meet the needs of others.
When is it ok to take my life back and live it as I want?
When is " my dreams of being an author  and a singer" acceptible?
I know being a singer is almost impossible but it doesn't hurt to dream, does it?
Have any of you ever had your dreams crush? do you know what that feels like?
The twisting of your stomach and dropping of your heart, I do not wish that on anyone
I say eneough is enough I am proud of who I am and who I want to become, no longer will I stay
silent as my body is used as a puppet, I want to be seen as me nto as what I am wanted to be.
YOu have to dream, anything less is unacceptible without dreams people have nothing to work towards.. Please if you are reading this send my your dreams And I will make sure they are heard and respected.

With this

Darkness  fades as peace comes to light
What once wasmis now again
What had most cower before it does not frighten me
With this gift that is my voice I will no longer be sad
With this love that is my heart I will nolonger be afraid
I will stand tall and love hard,
Forgiving many but forgetting nothing
With this tool that is my hand I will write my mind, place my fears into the open,
hope that all will see and applaud as we over come together.
So I hand the mike to you only asking that you use it, say what needs to be said and not what wants to be heard