Monday, December 5, 2011

Shining star

"A yellow star shines with a happy ray of light glowing red. He does not notice the other stars are yellow and shine with a white ray . He does know that the sky around him is dark , and that he has to shine to be seen from earth, but shine brighter to be remembered"

-Angie B.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

My sun, my moon and my star

My brother is life, my soul, my hopes, my dreams, my heart
His smile can light my darkest day, its hard when we're apart
I love my brother because I should I know he loves me too
When Im with this tiny boy we have so much to do.
He doesn't fuss a lot I know, unless I have to leave
But this is for my baby boy you mean a lot to me

you down with O.P.D?